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Hi I’m Katie Sherman. Proud grandmother of 4 grand kids, married to my high school sweetheart, knitting enthusiast, and outdoor lover.
That’s how I describe myself.
But, my type 2 diabetes diagnosis also defines me.
This is what I was told… and how I overcame it. Because in the end, it came down to nothing more than a minor tweak of my morning routine. Something so easy to do, yet so life changing.
❌ Food Restriction. No sugar. No carbs. Complicated diets. Boring and tasteless meals.
❌ Glucose Levels. Monitor them constantly. Check them again, and again, and again. Spend far too much time endlessly worrying about your levels.
❌ Tiredness. Feeling exhausted all of the time and unable to keep up with loved ones around you. Lacking energy to go to the park and play with your grandkids is not an acceptable way to live out your life.
❌ Gaining Weight. Packing on the pounds leads to insecurity. You deserve to feel good about yourself.
Being told the only thing you can do is manage the disease for the rest of your life is common.
It is also incorrect.
I only learned the truth after speaking with a doctor.
He said, “Look Katie, as doctors, we aren’t really sure how to treat this, we simply manage the side effects.”
He continued, “All we can do is advise that you live a healthy lifestyle and hope that it helps in some way.”
That’s not good enough, I thought.
I began my own research on the disease.
Science today is incredibly advanced. It led me right to the problem… and solution.
The real cause of erratic blood sugar is tied to a rogue protein-like-substance wreaking havoc on your body’s insulin production. It spikes hunger cravings and slows metabolism down to a turtle-pace.
The key is what you need to do with this rogue substance to cause optimal metabolic reaction and insulin absorption for your body.
It’s really quite simple. Just add this one step to your breakfast ritual.
Absolutely no crazy food restrictions or joint-bursting workouts are part of the cure.
Type 2 Diabetes – The Solution!
1. Understand the science behind it
2. Follow this breakfast routine method
3. Allow science based glucose-balancing chemical reactions to happen while you sleep
Easy as 1, 2, 3. Everyone needs to try this. You’ll immediately see why it has become so popular.
Oh, and the best part is my family says I’m like a new person. I feel it too!
I am so glad I learned this one simple trick.
Watch this short video and follow the same morning routine that changed my life.
I really hope that it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because what you're about to learn has forever changed my life.
With Love,
And listen, I’m no one special... If I can do this, there’s no reason you can’t either!
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